Tuesday, March 17, 2020

How to Write an Essay on Personal Philosophy of Success

How to Write an Essay on Personal Philosophy of Success Personal Philosophy of Success General guidelines How to start How to create the outline How to write the thesis How to write the introduction How to write body paragraphs How to conclude Essay revision Personal Philosophy of Success (Essay Sample) General guidelines Personal philosophy success is based on inner ability that is portrayed outside after someone takes a single step. Personal philosophy contains strategies for achieving the success that the essay writer demonstrates to the reader with various considerations. It also contains extensive support by giving experience, examples, and evidence. Personal philosophy paper should also include the writer’s commitment and how the preparations were undertaken for the forthcoming success. How to start One can start a personal philosophy essay by demonstrating three or more strategies for your success. For instance, these can be class work, reading magazines, listening to motivational speakers or even having a mentor. For each and every strategy give a clear detail of how to achieve. Secondly, have a well-composed paper as this will enable the audience to consider your points valid and achievable. How to create the outline An outline composes from the items to be discussed. One can start by introducing the strategies of success and then give a clear thesis statement. The body will contain the storyline of success as well as the evidence or examples of success. A conclusion is the last part when one has handled the content very well. How to write the thesis A thesis statement gives the whole picture of the body. The thesis statement contains the topic or the heading; for instance, self-motivation or personal responsibility. When the thesis statement gives the whole concept of the body, it is followed by main points of success. How to write the introduction A good introduction contains sentences that will catch the attention of the reader. Personal philosophy essay should contain an introduction that includes well-planned strategies of success. Secondly, it should reveal some information about a motivating factor for the success as well as a brief story of oneself. One can start by using a personal narrative that will enable the reader to have background information of the writer. Personal philosophy success essay contains details on ideas and the main points that lead to success. One introduces him or herself with a brief background story and with what might have pushed him or her to lay a strategy for the success. The thesis statement will highlight every point to be discussed in the body. One also should give valid details about success. How to write body paragraphs A body is the center of an essay as everything is discussed mainly in the body. What transpired to the success is well elaborated in the body. Personal philosophy essay contains relevant means or ways in which one uses to succeed. One may have been in a difficult situation but the strategy you use will determine your success. You need to highlight all points from the major to minor. Discuss every point while giving relevant examples or evidence that support your main points How to conclude Personal philosophy essay needs to be finished in a way that the audience or reader is satisfied with. You can provide the story and the strategies you use for succeeding. All the points are summarized in the finishing paragraph. The summarized points need to be well written and well phrased in order for the reader to be fully satisfied with your strategy. Essay revision Revising your essay is vital. Check the grammar, tenses and make sure that all the sentences are well structured and they are able to give clear ideas. One needs to ensure that the essay brings sense to the reader. Personal Philosophy Essay Sample: Personal Philosophy of Success I view the personal philosophy of success as hope or dream or a way one has a dream but is not fulfilled due to several circumstances. For instance, one has a degree in a certain field but his or her desire is to have several degrees. Such kind of a person has a personal philosophy that he wants to fulfill. Another good example is when a person does not have anything that he/she has achieved but has several ambitions in life. This person has a personal philosophy that will enable him or her to find strategies for fulfilling their dreams. You and I can be one of those people having nothing or something, for instance, a degree, but our motivations come in when we have a well-laid strategy of fulfilling our wishes. Some time back, I used to question life like Why things happen the way they are? Why was I created? What is my purpose in life, what does the future hold for me? This question led me to gather my mind together and have a well-laid structure of doing things in life. I came from a humble background that really helped me realize my full potential in life. Looking back to those who gave effort for me to be the way I am is a great motivation. My dream was to become a doctor who will save lives in various ways. This dream was driven by the fact that my grandparents died in front of my eyes just because of poor medication. It really caught my heart in surprise because at that time I believed that hospital was the place for the sick to be treated and not die. I always wanted to be the person that save lives of others and also cure several diseases that have troubled the human race. The second thing that really drove me was to be the role model for the young generation to come in the near future. Because of my dream, I gave the way to good things that would support my dream rather than those that will kill my dream; for instance, alcohol, drugs, immorality and more so peer pressure. The three factors gave me the way to my dream. Where I am today is because of the well-laid strategy of achieving goals. One of the strategies was to read smart and finish schooling up to the masters’ level. Paying attention in class, reading quality books, watching motivation speakers on television are the things that gave me the light. Later, I graduated with a doctorate degree in medicine because of the strategies I laid. My mother was my motivator. She once told me that Success is something anyone in this world can achieve if he or she loves and is fully devoted because anyone can achieve a given dream when the strategies are well put. If one has a dream, just go for it and do not look at anything. That discouraging part is when you lose hope and lose focus on your way to achieve your dream. Always be focused on everything. I am now a doctor because of the dream. You can also achieve your dream by having a strategy and a commitment to your dream. In conclusion, every dream is achievable when one loves his or her goals. Success comes with full responsibility for everything. When one is committed to achieving a certain goal in life, their mind is filled with several aspects of success. Young people need to have dreams that are achievable. People have achieved several dreams in life, not because of luck but because of commitment. A personal philosophy of success comes with full strategy and commitment, plus the right focus.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

The 10 Best Spelling Games to Improve Your Word Skills

The 10 Best Spelling Games to Improve Your Word Skills SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In case you haven’t heard, according to Taylor Swift, spelling is fun! But if Taylor’s word isn’t enough to convince you, we’ve come up with a list of ways that playing spelling games can actually improve your spelling, including examples of 10 spelling games that are excellent options for kids, adults, or anyone who wants to improve their spelling skills! (Don’t worry: the possibilities for spelling games go way beyond Scrabble.) Check out our list of 10 fun and challenging spelling games that you can play on your own or with friends to build your spelling skills and vocabulary. In this article, we’ll explain why spelling games are an effective way to improve your skills quickly, and we’ll also help you pick out the best spelling games to help you meet your goals. Let’s get started! Top 4 Ways Games Can Improve Your Spelling Did you know that the spelling game Words With Friends is one of the most popular mobile games of all time? That’s probably because friendly competition, gamification, and skill-building can be a really fun combo! In addition to being fun, gamifying spelling can provide you with some other benefits too. Here are four ways spelling games can improve your spelling, provide cognitive benefits, and increase your vocabulary! #1: Learning Can Come More Naturally When Combined With Games Researchers have found that incorporating games (like spelling games) into formal classrooms can boost student learning. Specifically, teachers who have used spelling games for kids in their classrooms reported improved test scores, heightened engagement from their students, and better attention spans. But the benefits of games don’t end with childhood- adolescents and adults can reap many of the same benefits from incorporating play and games into their life, too. Unfortunately, it’s easy to overlook the need for play and learning in our lives. Spelling word games are a popular and easily accessible way for adults to relax and enjoy learning, and you might even make friends with your fellow game players in the process. #2: Games Provide Practice What many people really need in order to improve at something they’re trying to master is practice. But sitting down with a piece of paper and writing a word over and over again is boring! Likewise, being in a classroom can be intimidating, too. Spelling word games- especially spelling games for kids- provide a fun environment to practice spelling...without the stress of a classroom environment. Formal environments where you have to perform a skill in front of other people- like school or work- can create anxiety around developing that skill. Practicing spelling in a game format allows you to try, fail, and try again without worrying about the consequences. And when people play games, they tend to try over and over again even after â€Å"failing† because they’re having fun! The kind of recurring practice and willingness to try again that spelling games promote can help anyone improve their spelling skills at any age. #3: They’re Great For ESL Learners and People With Dyslexia We mentioned how high-stakes environments like school or work can make spelling scary for some people. After all, no one wants to feel silly if they make a mistake! This can be especially true for people who are trying to learn a new language or who have dyslexia. Spelling games can be especially helpful for people in these situations. Research has shown that making spelling, reading, writing, listening, and speaking into a game can help English Language Learners and people with dyslexia learn to remember things faster and better and develop greater fluency. Connecting people who are learning a new language or who experience dyslexia with effective spelling word games can help them with their language learning. #4: Spelling Games Can Help With Other Important Skills Games give people the opportunity to learn how to spell words over an extended period of time, and they help cultivate an understanding of how the words are formed. Plus, research shows that learning to spell and learning to read and write rely on much of the same underlying knowledge. Many adults describe themselves as both poor readers and poor writers, and recent studies have shown that the time Americans spend reading is at an all-time low. But guess what has seen an increase over the past two decades? The amount of time that Americans spend on playing mobile games. Spelling games provide a great opportunity to dust off those reading and writing-related skills while also enjoying yourself. It’s an added bonus that exercising the reading and writing skills you already possess through game playing can help you grow and expand those existing skills in new ways as well. Top 4 Spelling Games for Kids Now that you know how word/spelling games can benefit people from all walks of life, let’s look at our list of top spelling games. First up: the best spelling games for kids! PBS Kids Spelling Games If you’re searching for one resource for spelling games online that provides access to a variety of spelling, vocabulary, and reading games designed for kids by education and child development experts, look no further than PBS Kids Online. PBS Kids’ website conveniently categorizes the many educational games they provide based on different content areas. There are also games for children ranging from the pre-reading stage to age 8. Younger kids may also appreciate the fact that many of PBS Kids’ spelling, vocabulary, and reading games feature characters they might already know and love from their favorite TV shows, like Big Bird, Clifford the Big Red Dog, and the little heroes of Super Why! The familiarity of these popular TV characters can serve as a big incentive for younger kids to engage with educational games. Though there are tons of educational games on the site, one of our favorite PBS Kids word/spelling games available for free online is Super Why Saves the Day. This game introduces a familiar story, like a fairy tale, and asks players to help rewrite the story using words they spell in the game. Players select letters as they appear on the screen to spell out 3-5 letter words, then choose from the pool of words they’ve spelled to rewrite different parts of the story. Super Why Saves the Day helps kids with both spelling and reading comprehension. Ideal For: Kids ages 3-8 Where to Find/Buy: PBS Kids website, or download the PBS Kids Games app for iOS, Android, or Amazon Fire Vocabulary Spelling City If you’re a parent or teacher, helping kids succeed in school-based reading and writing is probably important to you. Spelling City games can be a great source of support! Spelling City is a website and app that gamifies literacy learning to help children and youth grow and improve their vocabulary, spelling, phonics, and writing skills. The activities and games provided by Spelling City mimic the forms of learning and assessment that are used for literacy learning in U.S. schools. Using Spelling City can help students develop confidence and familiarity with the ways their literacy skills will be assessed in school through fun, engaging games. There are two different versions of Spelling City currently available: a free version and a paid annual subscription, called the Family Annual Membership. With the free version, you can access spelling games online or through the app. The Family Annual Membership provides more capabilities: in addition to over 40 spelling games, the membership gives you word study playlists, automatically graded spelling and vocabulary tests, and tracks student data and progress. Plus, the membership version is ad-free. Ideal For: Students aged K-12; families who homeschool; parents seeking extra learning support for their children; teachers seeking to gamify literacy learning; English Language Learners Where to Find/Buy: Online at the Vocabulary Spelling City website, or download the VocabularySpellingCity app for iOS or Android. Wordplay for Kids If you’re trying to cut down on screen time, Wordplay for Kids is a great board game option for building kids’ spelling, vocabulary, word building, and concentration skills. Here’s how the game works: players use a â€Å"letter spinner† to acquire certain letters that they then use to form a word before time runs out. The longer the word that they form, the more points they receive. The words must fall into six special categories: â€Å"Food and Drink,† â€Å"Object or Thing,† â€Å"Living Creature,† â€Å"Something in the House,† â€Å"Boy’s or Girl’s Name,† and â€Å"Any Word.† Another benefit of Wordplay for Kids is that the game can be played as an individual or with a group of 2-6 other players. The inclusive nature of this game gives kids an opportunity to practice spelling with others, which can take the anxiety out of the process. Plus, every player participates in every round, which keeps the excitement and momentum up for young players who want to stay in the middle of the action. Perhaps best of all, Wordplay for Kids is a Teachers’ Choice Award winner, so you know its potential to help kids find success in school-based spelling activities is strong. One word of caution, though: This board game does come with small pieces that could be a choking hazard, so be sure to keep out-of-reach of youngsters who are still in the â€Å"taste-everything-you-touch† phase. Ideal For: Children ages 6+ Where to Find/Buy: Purchase the board game online through Amazon Montessori Crosswords Montessori Crosswords is an app that comes highly recommended for children with dyslexia. Using the Montessori learning method, Montessori Crosswords uses a phonics-enabled moving alphabet to allow kids to build words from a set of 320 word, image, audio, and phonics combinations. The learning methods used by Montessori Crosswords help kids understand that words are made up of sounds, or phonemes. It also helps kids memorize the phonics associated with letters. The app accomplishes these two things by allowing kids to engage with the letters and phonics in the crosswords through sound, touch, and sight. As we mentioned earlier, making learning feel like playing can decrease many young learners’ anxiety about spelling. Additionally, this app tackles spelling from a unique learning perspective, so it makes spelling accessible to kids who have had difficult experiences with literacy learning. Ideal For: Any child, and especially children with dyslexia Where to Find/Buy: App store for iOS devices only Top 3 Spelling Games for Adults Now that we’ve looked at spelling games designed specifically for kids, let’s check out some top spelling games for adults. WordBattle WordBattle is a real-time, multiplayer online word game designed to help you practice word building in friendly competition with friends, family, or fellow Facebook users. Here’s how the game works: each player is given the same 9 random letters and attempts to create a word using them in 40 seconds. Here’s the catch: each letter is assigned a different point value. Your goal is to come up with the word with the greatest point value because whoever has the most points wins! Since WordBattle can be played through a social media site, there is also opportunity for community discussion about the game. Sometimes there are even debates about the legitimacy of words that are played. Especially enthusiastic players might even bust out the dictionary! Overall, WordBattle is simply meant to be a fun way to stretch your brain and improve your agility at word play...and you might just make a few new friends in the process. Ideal For: Any Facebook user who’s down for some competition! Where to Find/Buy: The WordBattle Facebook page, or download the app for iOS or Android. New York Times Crossword A classic in the world of spelling puzzle games, the New York Times crossword has been an icon of American culture since the 1940s. It first appeared in the Sunday paper, then was upgraded to a daily feature in the 1950s. The New York Times crossword puzzle gets increasingly difficult throughout the week, with the easiest puzzle appearing on Monday and the most difficult on Saturday. Knowing how the difficulty increases throughout the week can help you pick the puzzle that’s right for you. And even better: you don’t have to carry a newspaper around with you to play! The New York Times crossword is now available in an app for your phone or tablet. If you want to participate in a beloved national tradition and test your spelling and vocabulary skills, the New York Times crossword is a guaranteed winner. Ideal For: Adults looking for new, challenging spelling word games Where to Find/Buy: The New York Times online; iOS, Google Play, and Amazon Fire app stores Letter Tycoon If you’re interested in face-to-face, interactive spelling word games, consider looking into Letter Tycoon. This board game is an example of a solid approach to integrating a familiar, popular theme with spelling skills. Letter Tycoon asks its 2-5 players to engage in commodity speculation, hand management, and set collection to create the most valuable empire and become the â€Å"letter tycoon.† It’s kind of like Monopoly-meets-Scrabble! Here’s how the game works: players take turns forming a word using a seven-card hand and a three-card community pool, then score money and earn stock rewards based on the word they play. Players may use the money they’ve earned to buy one letter â€Å"patent† in the word they make. For the rest of the game, when other players use a letter you â€Å"own,† you receive â€Å"royalties† from the bank. Patents, money, and stocks are added up at the end of the game to determine the winner! If you’re looking for a fun, sophisticated spelling game that you can bring to game night, Letter Tycoon is a great option. Ideal For: Adults (and people who like economy-based games like Settlers of Catan) Where to Find/Buy: Purchase the board game from Amazon Prime or Walmart.com Top 3 Spelling Games for Anyone! But games are always more fun if you can play it with your whole family, no matter how old they are. That’s why we’ve compiled our favorite all-ages spelling games, too. Bananagrams Bananagrams is like Scrabble’s hip younger brother. It uses a similar concept in that the first player to use all of the letter tiles they’ve drawn to create a word grid is the winner. But Bananagrams ups the drama by making it a race against the other players. Bananagrams also comes in a cute, compact, banana-shaped cloth bag that’s about the size of a pencil case, making it easy to stuff into a backpack or purse and take anywhere. It also requires no pens, pencils, or papers to play! The Classic Bananagrams is great for people of all ages. Children as young as seven can play, and adults of any age can have fun playing, too. But Bananagrams also makes a version of the game called My First Bananagrams, designed for children as young as four who are still in the pre-reading stage. And, get this: if you’re trying to work on your spelling in a language other than English, you can buy Bananagrams in other languages! Available options include: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish. Whatever your age or native language, Bananagrams is designed to make you more comfortable with letters and words and helps you improve your spelling. Ideal For: People of all ages and various language backgrounds Where to Find/Buy: Amazon, in-store or online at Target, Barnes Noble, Walmart, or at local toy stores Big Boggle Boggle is a word/spelling game that’s been around for a while, but it remains popular among people of all ages. Big Boggle is a variation on the classic game, and here’s how it works: players attempt to find as many connected words as possible from face-up letters in a 25-cube grid. But, the players are also on the clock! When time is up, players compare their lists of words, then eliminate any words they have in common. Players then receive points based on the number of letters in their remaining words. Adding the time element helps you practice your spelling under pressure, and it gives you the confidence to take spelling risks you might not normally take. (After all, you’re trying to earn precious points!) Ideal For: Anyone, but recommend ages 8+ Where to Find/Buy: eBay, Amazon, or in-store and online at Walmart Words With Friends You’ve probably heard of Words With Friends, a longtime fixture in online and multiplayer word/spelling games. In Words With Friends, players take turns building words in a crossword puzzle format. (If that sounds familiar, you’re right: Words With Friends riffs on the classic Scrabble concept.) If you’re a pretty active game player and enjoy multitasking, Words With Friends allows you to participate in up to 30 games at one time! Players can also connect with people they know to play Words With Friends, or be randomly assigned opponents through â€Å"Smart Match.† Like many other apps that can be played through social media networks, Words With Friends also provides a built-in chat feature that allows players to send messages to each other while playing the game. Ideal For: Anyone, but recommended ages 8+ Where to Find/Buy: iOS, Android, and Windows app store; Facebook, Kindle Fire, and Nook Tablet. What's Next? Do educational games sound like something right up your alley? Then make sure you check out our other posts on educational learning games! (Coming soon) If you’re trying to improve your spelling, you might be interested in working on your reading comprehension, too. Here’s our complete guide to improving your reading comprehension skills. One reason you might want to improve your spelling skills and vocabulary is to prepare you for the reading portion of the SAT or ACT. (It’s a great plan!) Learn more about the reading portions of the SAT and the ACT exams to make sure you’re prepared.